New Cards for a New Year!


Our new greeting cards are out. We’re so proud of this batch. There are cards for fans of cat snuggles, sweet moments between friends, flowers in anticipation of spring, and our second-ever celebration of retirement. 

Check out all of the new designs HERE!

We spent hours looking for just the right quotes to pair with these timeless images and found what we consider to be some of the best yet.

We hope you’ll find them just as enchanting and hopeful as we do. Always—despite everything—our world and lives are dotted with moments of felicity and enchantment, gifts from the earth, and people we adore. We hope these greeting cards help you embrace all of these good things and send encouraging words to the people in your life. 

Here’s our new lineup:

Summer Snow

As Jacquie was walking down to the river one day late last April, she came upon this incredible pink commotion. She’s lived in this pocket neighborhood for many years but has never seen such a thick blanket of blooms before. A cherry blossom cloak to herald the spring!

Chosen Family

Sarah’s girls and their best friend, the daughter of a lifelong friend of Sarah’s, had their very own pandemic camp last summer for two days each week. They swam, hiked, crafted, visited a farm, went on treasure hunts, and lots of other activities. They even had a special name—complete with T-shirts! This photo was taken a few years ago during one of many sweet moments with, as they call themselves, chosen family.

Midnight Reading

Over a year ago, Sarah’s then-kitten, Lily, popped up on her lap to, apparently, read the story along with her. She was into everything, all the time. Including her sister, Buttercup. The two are thick as thieves; Sarah often finds them nestled together, like they’re waiting for a bedtime story. In fact, another new card features one of their snuggles!

Canterbury Bells

Jacquie took many photos in Boston Commons during her trip with her daughter last summer. These particular flowers are special, though, because they grow across the walkway from a statue of Jacquie’s great-great-grandfather, which stands at an entrance to the gardens. The entire trip was an homage to this side of her family, one full of artists, writers, architects, and thinkers. She loves knowing that generations of people enjoyed the same beautiful things we do.


Kate, a dear friend of Sarah’s, snapped this shot at her family’s cabin at Cream Hill Lake in Connecticut. We like imagining the many conversations that have happened beneath these million leaves. This card celebrates retirement in the most peaceful way possible. Wouldn’t you like to retire here, too? 


Lily and Buttercup: the picture of candid affection. Sarah and the girls adopted the two when they were just eight-week-old kittens and the bond between them was pretty much immediate. They often find them just like this, tangled and content. They remind their family—and all of us—that there’s no shame in loving and needing another.