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"Best. Day. Ever"
Inside: Happy Birthday!
"Santa’s little helper"
Inside: Merry Christmas!
"Wishing you a season of joy and love."
Inside: from our family to yours
"And we find at the end of a perfect day, the soul of a friend we’ve made. - Carrie Jacobs-Bond"
Inside: Happy birthday to my friend
"Some pets are so special, their souls stay with us forever. - Sugar"
Inside: with heartfelt sympathy for your loss
"My goal in life is to be the person my dog thinks I am."
Inside: Dogs know best... you’re amazing! Happy Birthday!
""You're my favorite!""
"As you move through life, leave a wake of kindness. -Margaret Hale"
Inside: Thank you for your kindness
"Isn't it exhausting being so awesome all the time?"
- -
Inside: It's a tough job, but you make it look easy. Happy Birthday!
"Elegance is the only beauty that never fades"
- Audrey Hepburn
Inside: Happy birthday to beautiful you
"I don't want to adult today. I just want to dog. I'll be lying down on the floor in the sun, you can pet me and bring me some snacks."
- Sugar
Inside: Find a patch of sun and have a happy birthday!
"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward."
- Spanish proverb
Inside: Relax, it's your birthday!
"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites."
- Robert A. Heinlein
Inside: Seize the day! Happy Birthday!
"Today is the perfect day for a perfect day."
"So many sticks, so little time."
Inside: Wishing you birthday abundance!
"You're the friend everyone wishes they had."
Inside: Happy birthday to wonderful you.
"You make me smile so much my cheeks hurt."
Inside: Wishing you big smiles on your birthday!
"Cake? Please? Is it time for cake? It's cake time, right?"
Inside: How many candles is that in dog years? Happy Birthday!
"Life's more fun when you think outside the box."
Inside: Normal is boring. Happy Birthday!
"I guess I might be just the teensiest bit lonely."
Inside: Missing You
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
- J.K. Rowling
Inside: Bad dogs have more fun. Happy birthday!
"It's hard not to immediately fall in love with a dog who has a good sense of humor."
- Kate Dicamillo
Inside: I'll bake the cupcakes if you train the dog. Happy Birthday!
"It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."
- Rita Rudner
Inside: Happy Anniversary
"Anything can be an adventure with a good friend by your side."
Inside: You're one in a million. Happy Birthday!
"9 out of 10 dogs agree that extra treats help with recovery."
Inside: Put your paws up and get well soon!
"That was fun! What's next?"
Inside: Here's to your next adventure!
"There's nothing like putting your paws up at the end of a perfect day"
Inside: Wishing you a perfect day... Happy Birthday
"When the sea is stormy, always remember you're surrounded by people who love you"
Inside: Hang in there. You're not alone.
"Happiness is enjoying the simple pleasures of life."
Inside: Wishing you simple pleasures... Happy Birthday!
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life?"
- Mary Oliver
Inside: To wild and precious you… Happy Birthday!
"True friends leave footprints in your heart."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Inside: with deepest sympathy
"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
- Antonio Smith
Inside: pause... and enjoy your birthday